Interesting Facts About Cataracts

Posted by: Coastal Eye Associates in Cataracts on February 21

Eye Exam Photo

As we grow older, some eye diseases like cataracts become more common. Cataract is a condition where the eye’s clear lens becomes cloudy, leading to a decline in vision. Over 50% of Americans aged 80 or above have either undergone surgery to remove cataracts or are currently diagnosed with it. Initially, cataracts may not be… Read More

How To Recognize Symptoms Of Cataracts

Posted by: Coastal Eye Associates in Cataracts on October 17

Your eyes are the windows to your soul and the lens of your eye; you use them daily for everything from driving to reading to seeing your loved one’s face. With age, the proteins in your lens can clump and cause things to look blurry, hazy, or less colorful, which are a few recognizable symptoms… Read More

7 Signs You May Have Cataracts

Posted by: Coastal Eye Associates in Cataracts on December 29

Closeup of an eye with a cataract

Could you have cataracts? You use the lens of your eye every day, for everything from reading to driving to bird watching. With age, the proteins inside your lens can clump together turning the lens from clear to cloudy. Certain behaviors can put you at a higher risk for getting cataracts. These include: According to the… Read More

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